The SimCorp Agile Podcast

Agile People


In this episode we discuss Agile and its relation to people & HR, and why now more than ever companies need to focus on their people if they are to excel. Joining us to explore this are Malene Krohn who heads up the people function in SimCorp’s Product Division, and Fabiola Eyholzer who is a pioneer in Agile HR and CEO of Just Leading Solutions LLC, a New York based management consultancy for HR and Business Agility. Together with her team, she helps enterprises to create more resilient and successful businesses by focusing on their crucial asset: their people.

When hearing Agile many think about process and technology, but ultimately everything we do is about people, whether that is the customers we serve or the people we work with to deliver products & services. Therefore it is vital we design our organisations in a way that gives our people the best chance of success - as Deming famously said “a bad system will beat a good person every time”.

To explore this we discuss : 

  • what is Agile HR and why it is important.
  • how to make people part of your agile transformation and how to move from focus on individuals & outputs, to a focus on teamwork, collaboration and outcomes.
  • how HR is changing and re-inventing its-self, moving away from what we learned in the industrial era and adapting for knowledge work.
  • what is the role of HR in agile transformations and how can they have a set at the table.
  • agile leadership in SimCorp.
  • organisational design and how HR can have an influence.
  • what is the future of HR?

We hope you enjoy the show and we'd love to hear your feedback so feel free to drop us a line, and if you would like to connect with Fabiola you can find here details below :

Twitter: @FabiolaEyholzer
Email: fabiola.eyholzer(at)

References from the show